Sri Dennis J. Hartel, reports from Arunachala Ashrama, R.R.1, Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, Canada :
The inmates of this Ashrama celebrated the 78th anniversary of Bhagavan Sri Ramana’s advent at Arunachala (Tiruvannamalai) on September 1, 1974. Invitations were sent to all devotees who had evinced interest in Bhagavan Ramana. Seventy-five of them attended the function; some of them had come from distant places. Sri Arunachala Bhakta Bhagawata, with his wife, Smt.Yoga Maya, had come from the New York Centre, to attend the function and inspired us all with his participation
Bhagavan Ramana’s picture was installed in a temporary shed and adorned with garlands of flowers. The celebration began with Ganesa puja and was followed by puja of Bhagavan. Sri Bhagawata spoke in English and in Hindi stressing the importance of following Sri Bhagavan's teaching in our daily life. Smt.Savitridevi Krishnan sang a soul-stirring bhajan. Then there was the recitation of Sri Bhagavan’s Upadesa Saram in Sanskrit, followed by an English translation of the same. After chanting of Arunachala Shiva, Prof.Govinda N.Sharma recited the chapter on Bhakti in Sri Ramana Gita in Sanskrit and explained the purport of it in English. Smt.Savitridevi made a Ram Nam bhajan and the function ended with Arati.
Each and every one who had come for the celebration was profoundly moved and drank in Bhagavan’s Universal Grace.
om namo bhagavate śrī ramaṇāya!
In New York City, the melodious strains of Sri Lalita Sahasranama mingled with the rays of the dawn to welcome September 1 — the day on which Sri Bhagavan’s devotees in the western hemisphere were celebrating His arrival at the foot of the Holy Arunachala. The day was spent quietly amidst a few devotees, rich with stories relating to Sti Bhagavan and stories of the recent pilgrimage to Sri Arunachala by the Arunachala Ashrama members. Recitations from Ramayana, Sri Devi Mahatmyam, Sri Arunachala Akshara Mana Mala and Upadesa Saram were done. Prasad was served to all.