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Dear Devotees,
Please join us for the online celebration of the

126th Anniversary of the Advent of
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
at Sri Arunachala

Bhagavan's drawing of Sri Arunachala

6:45am to 8:30pm Sunday 11 Sep 2022 on utube link:

The Advent at Arunachala program included chanting, bhajans, talks and readings
by Satsang groups from all over the world

The program was presented live on utube?v=WwKd2VI1Yh8 and the Ashrama's youtube channel.

Advent Greetings

Join us by visiting

or utube?v=WwKd2VI1Yh8 (Direct Link)

program flyer [pdf]

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Events at Sri Ramanasramam: Global Online Advent Celebration

The following report is in the Oct 2022 issue
of the Saranagati eNewsletter

On Sunday, 11th September 2022 from 6am-8pm EST, devotees from satsang groups in the USA, Canada, Australia, France and United Kingdom celebrated the 126th anniversary of Bhagavan’s Advent to Arunachala. The event culminated with an inspiring message from Sri Ramanasramam President Dr. Venkat S. Ramanan who outlined the Ashram’s recommendations for devotees in following Bhagavan in the 21st century. The President emphasised Bhagavan’s ongoing presence in the Ashram and in the world and repeated basic teachings Bhagavan gave us. If Bhagavan left no successors, his teaching is his legacy, and it is up to us to faithfully preserve what Bhagavan and his devotees have passed down to us. You can listen to Dr.Anand’s entire talk on: utube link or view the full program.