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God Experience

July 1966 The Mountain Path, p.249

mp3 audio

All these mantras have intrinsic power in them and when you chant them continuously they create in you harmonious vibrations. Your disturbed mind becomes calm and serene. Even diseases in the body disappear. Inharmonious vibrations in the body cause ailments. The chanting of the mantra brings in balanced vibrations and removes all distempers. First it must be applied to control and harmonise the mind. You will be filled with divine harmony. By chanting the mantras you will see that discordant vibrations give place to harmonious vibrations, Irritability, bad thoughts, distractions, all disappear. Your wild nature is tamed. All selfish desires and instincts are subdued. You become a completely changed person.

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The wise declare that there is really only One Immutable Being. When you relinquish passions the One remains, the many disappear.