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from: Saibishkumar
  to: Dennis Hartel
      Bandhu, Geeta B, margomartin, Servpreet, Darlene, Evelyn & Paul, 
      Anil and Vijaya, Dileep, Thiru, Marye, pushpendra
date: Mon, 2 Jan 2017 03:02:09 -0800
subj: Fwd: fyi

Namo Ramana

Namaskar my upa gurus,

By Bhagawan's immense Grace I was able to attend the Maha Deepam this time
and I am attaching some pictures..

It was such a humbling and inspiring experience and Bhagawan took care of
me through the hands of His sincerest devotees like Dennis, Vaidyanathan, Dr.
Murthy, Marye, Kannan, Chandramouli and many others...


Marye took me to Pavalakundru and Gurumurtham and explained every minute
details and spent quite a lot of time. You all know her so I don't need to
say anything other than heart felt thanks to her and Dennis who connected
me with her

I also could visit Ramana Mandiram and Sundara Mandiram by the careful
planning and guidance by Dennis, Chandramouli, Vaidyanathan and Somasundaram
Bhagawan took me on his shoulders like a father does and showed me the
light which was already there..

How can one forget the divine and beautiful scene where hundreds of
devotees including dogs, monkeys and peacocks eagerly waiting for Deepam to
appear at top of Arunachala in fort of Ashram chanting

How humbling it was to see thousands of people including kids and the very old
doing Girivalam in the night, barefoot ignoring the pouring rains?
How inspiring to see the Ashram staff working without sleep and food to
cater to all the needs of thousands of devotees who flocked to Ashram?
1 week went by without the awareness of time and space and how surprised I
was to see that terrible and ferocious monster called mind subdued like a
tamed dog

wanted to give subtitles to the pictures but couldnt do with my poor
technical skills
But who needs them?

Bhagawan only knows how grateful I am to be in company of Bhagawans
sincerest devotees like you and with whom else I share my most beautiful

In Bhagawan