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(Vāchaspati Miśra)

Vāchaspati Miśra was a young scholar, he was firmly on the path of spirituality and had decided to dedicate his life to writing commentaries on the "Brahma Sūtras" after which he would take permanent Sanyasa. Vatsala, Vāchaspati's mother, was very keen on him marrying a girl from the neighbhoring village and had talked with bride's father about the possible relationship.

Vāchaspati, conveying his disinterest in marriage, wrote to the bride's father "I'm living in the village for the sake of completing commentaries on ithe Brahma Sūtras, I intend to leave the village and take "Sanyasa" afterwards. I won't make a good householder, who takes on all responsibilities and fulfils them satisfactorily."

Hearing this from the groom, Bhāmatī's father decides to break the relationship; but Bhāmatī, who hears Vāchaspati's words from her father, agrees to marry Vāchaspati to her father's surprise.

Accordingly, they are married on the auspicious day of "Guru Poornima". Vāchaspati as soon as he returns home busies himself in writing, after completion of the commentaries, Vāchaspati sees a young lady in the house whom he didn't remember seeing before.

"Who are you, young lady?" he asks.

Bhāmatī says, "I am your wife. We were married seven years ago."

Vāchaspati, remembering the past, realizes that his food, bed and bath had been prepared from time to time. Remembering the hands that served him and turned off the lamp when he slept, Vāchaspati asks to see her hands. He says "Indeed, these are the same hands I remember seeing every day."

"I have completed my work, they are my contribution to humanity, now that I have paid my debt, I want to renounce this world."

"Do as you wish, I don't object." says Bhāmatī, who had served him selflessly for seven years.

"Dear, what will you do when I am gone?" asks Vāchaspati, fearing he is leaving a young woman in the lurch.

"Don't worry, the same power that took care of me all these years, will continue to watch over me. I consider it my good fortune to have served you while you were doing your work." says Bhāmatī.

Overcome by such selfless Love, Vāchaspati says "I have never experienced such love! I'm forever grateful to you. I surrender all my life's work at your feet." Though Vāchaspati leaves her, renouncing the householder's life, it is said that he remembered her ever after.

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Vāchaspati named his book "Bhāmatī" so that everyone could remember her story. Today Bhāmatī is one of the schools of "Advaita Vedanta" named after the book Vāchaspati wrote.