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The Bridge

by G.N.Daley
Edith Deri

From the relative viewpoint of duality there appears to be a bridge which with the Guru's Grace will transport us speedily from the illusion of space and and time to the reality of timeless experience in which all duality crumbles into. non-existence as though it never were. There is what one can call a bridge which links the higher mind with the soul and in less than the blink of an eyelid transports ego orientated awareness to the lower tip of the soul.

This is a satori, a Swift experience of the One Self. The area of the egoic mechanical mind has its lower tip in the physical and from here it extends upwards through the emotional level so that its higher tip is in the higher mind. As awareness struggles upwards from body and feeling to the higher mind, it is then ready for a leap from duality to non-duality.

But there is what may be called a gap between mind and soul and only the bridge of Grace from the Master can enable us to cross this gap. When the gap has been crossed it is then seen that there is nothing on either side, nor is there either bridge or gap. In the Eternal when all illusions vanish there are no pairs of opposites nor considerations, only the bliss of pure Being.

Bhagavan is the supreme bridge of Grace. His Grace still continues to outpour, dissolving the clutching ego enmeshed in maya. All doubts and illusions vanish as though they had never existed. His Grace is the Divine Light which dispels darkness and shadow. Because He is the true Guru within He is forever active and Present. It is up to us whether we go to Him with a cup or a bucket, for He will fill it with His Divine Light until it brims over. His teaching is basically simple: all that we have to do is to ask. “who. am 1?” until firstly there is an ‘intéllectual recognition of the permanent and impermanent elements within us which give rise to our duality.

Bhagavan is within us during this process helping and guiding. He brings together all the wisdom and perception of the ages into a crystallised essence. First find out who you are and the rest will become known to you.

When self-enquiry is persisted in it breaks through the egoic crust which shuts us off from enlightenment, that is from contact with the soul, and from Godhead. Even as the mind extends over the three lower evolutionary levels, so does the soul extend across the three higher levels, its bottom tip being right at the top of the higher mind and from here it extends through buddhi or intuition and the ‘level’ of spirit or atma, and from here direct contact is made with the formless, the One Self.

From long before awareness gets its first glimpse through the crust, Bhagavan is working within us. He also creates the right environment, which may not be easy and which may consist of almost self-denial for ego, but it is quicker thus. From within He guides and supports and drags the awareness into His own heart which is the centre of all Being. All questions, anxieties and turmoil cease and peace, bliss and joy alone — remain. This has been my experience, shared with many others. I knew nothing .of His existence on earth until after His mahasamadhi. Some years later He came to me. I saw His tall stature and under His glance of Grace our bodies melted and I was in His heart, lifted clean out of temporality to the centre where there no thing, only the white light of pure Being.

Thee beyond Thy couple face,
Thou beyond with gift of Grace

No more need I the numbers race
Nor listen to their thunderous din,

For the silence whispereth
Silence pulsing with Thy breath,
“See my kingdom is within.”

Bhagavan my beloved, you are ever within our inmost being, guiding our steps from darkness to Light. Supreme Teacher, You are the perfect bridge and our guide from here to eternity.