A Tribute to Sri Ramana Maharshi
Prostrations to Bhagavan Sri Ramana, ever-living, ever-present sage, who is lighting lights throughout the world!
Several years had passed since I was at Sri Ramanasramam. Now the real work began, as the understanding that had been grasped there was slowly applied to life in the West, with all its complexities. Years of arduous mountain-climbing, a foothold here, a handhold there, several feet upwards and not infrequently a disappointing slide downhill, and then the ascent towards the summit was resumed. At times breathtaking, panoramic views would present themselves, but the climb itself remained of utmost, desperate importance.
As time went by, something kept saying, as though a compassionate voice from a peak far above, “Why all this strain? Who is it that is climbing this mountain”? At first, I paid little heed to these words, which, while comforting, were as yet beyond my understanding for any practical use. I went on with the climb, struggling harder than ever, hoping to reach the topmost summit, hoping possibly also to catch another word from this quiet voice, a refreshing drink of cool mountain water. Sometimes feelings of guilt and hopelessness and the like would nearly engulf my being, extinguishing most of my remaining strength to climb any further. The voice would say again, “Stop, relax, take rest. Be the witness of this ascent”. Gradually the words began to make a little sense, if for no other reason than that I was worn out by then. The climb continued, although somewhat differently now. Attempts were made at standing back a little. Then to my surprise, foot and handholds would become apparent when needed; downhill slips would occur, but recovery would come almost instantaneously, leaving barely a scratch. The beauty of the mountain also began to reveal itself, with its glistening rocks, enchanting lakes and flowering meadows. “Who are you? Become now comfortable with the Self that you are and will be forever — it is right here, and now! Bliss is obtainable only through Self-enquiry”. A totally new kind of relief came over me. The wielder of the magnificent divine weapon of Self- enquiry, Bhagavan Ramana, had taken a stand — a mighty, yet gentle and completely rational stand — against ego.
Not only did sadhana begin to improve, but relationships did too. Where previously there had always been a gnawing need to be liked by others, simple application of the enquiry would replace these thoughts with a natural self-esteem, a knowledge that one truly is all right, and that the best business to engage in now was to silently acknowledge others as Self, infinitely worthy of esteem. Worried thoughts such as, ‘How am I doing in my sadhana’? also vanished instantly. The answer came in question form — ‘Who am I?’
Whence came this mountain-like sage, benevolent giver of the powerful medicine of Self-knowledge, whom we affectionately call Bhagavan? That we could have such a Master in times like these, capable of guiding millions to peace, is almost unbelievable.
Endless thanks to Bhagavan, fountain of grace!