Talks #424 - 426
7th June, 1937
Talk 424.
In the course of conversation with a learned man who asked about Purusha and Prakriti.
SRI BHAGAVAN said: Purusha and Prakriti are only the bifurcation of the one Supreme. They are surmised because the student has the sense of duality deep rooted. The same Gita also says that Purushottama lies beyond Purusha and Prakriti.
D.: What are ’Para-nadi’, ’Sushumna nadi’ and the ‘Heart’ ?
M.: But Sushumna resolves into the Para (Sushumnatu pareleena). Heart is usually understood to be the muscular organ lying on the left of the chest. The Modern Psychological Review speaks of the physical organ on the left and the Heart centre on the right. The Bible says that a fool’s heart is on the left and a wise man’s on the right.
Yoga Vasiṣṭha says that there are two hearts; the one is
Samvit; and the other the blood-vessel.
D.: What is ‘Anahata’ ?
M.: ‘Anahata’ is the chakra lying behind the Heart. It is not Samvit. Lalita Sahasranama has it, Anahata chakrasthayai namo namah ( “Salutations to the Core situated in ‘Anahata’ ” ) and the next mantra Hrit (in the Heart). Thus it is clear that Anahata is not the same as Hrit.
Talk 425.
Will-power or any other is gained by practice (abhyāsa).
D.: Is success not dependent on Guru’s Grace?
M.: Yes, it is. Is not your practice itself due to such Grace? The fruits are the result of the practice and follow it automatically. There is a stanza in Kaivalya Navaneeta which says, “O Guru! You have been always with me watching me through several reincarnations, and ordaining my course until I was liberated.” The Self manifests externally as Guru when occasion arises; otherwise He is always within, doing the needful.
12th June, 1937
Talk 426.
Mr. Das, of Allahabad University: Has the food which one usually takes anything to do with increase or decrease of one’s spirituality? That is, does it influence spirituality for good or bad?
M.: Yes. Satvic food in moderate quantity is helpful to spiritual development.
D.: For a grihi, i.e., a man of the world (householder), what conduct in life will help him most spiritually?
M.: Dhyana or bhakti, which mean the same thing.
D.: What is meant by taking the name of ‘God’? How to reconcile the following two ideas?
The Bible says: “Do not take the name of ‘God’ in vain.”
The Hindu sastras enjoin taking the name of ‘God’ all the time.
M.: One should not use the name of ‘God’ artificially and superficially without feeling. To use the name of ‘God’ one must call upon Him and surrender to Him, unreservedly. After such surrender, the name of ‘God’ is constantly with the man.
D.: What are the fundamental tests for discovering men of great spirituality, since some are reported to behave like insane people?
M.: The Jnani’s mind is known only to the Jnani. One must be a Jnani oneself in order to understand another Jnani. However the peace of mind which permeates the Saint’s atmosphere is the only means by which the seeker understands the greatness of the Saint. His words or actions or appearance are no indications of his greatness, for they are ordinarily beyond the comprehension of common people.
D.: Has man any Free-Will or is everything in his life predestined and preordained?
M.: Free-Will holds the field in association with individuality. As long as individuality lasts so long there is Free-Will. All the sastras are based on this fact and they advise directing the Free-Will in the right channel.
Find out to whom Free-Will or Destiny matters. Abide in it. Then, these two are transcended. That is the only purpose of discussing these questions. To whom do these questions arise? Find out and be at peace.
D.: Are intellect and emotion, like the physical body, growths which come with the birth of man; and do they dissolve or survive after death?
M.: Before considering what happens after death, just consider what happens in your sleep. Sleep is only the interval between two waking states. Do they survive that interval?
D.: Yes, they do.
M.: The same holds good for death also. They represent body-consciousness and nothing more. If you are the body they always hold on to you. If you are not the body they do not affect you. The one who was in sleep is now in waking state just speaking. You were not the body in sleep. Are you the body now? Find it out. Then the whole problem is solved.
Similarly, that which is born must die. Whose is the birth? Were you born? If you say you were, of whose birth are you speaking? It is the body which was born and it is that which will die. How do birth and death affect the eternal Self? Think and say to whom the questions arise. Then you will know.