'The Maharshi' Newsletter
from: K.V.Subrahmonyan
to: The Maharshi Newsletter
date: Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 3:36 AM
subj: Re: 'The Maharshi' newsletter, March / April 2023
Dear Editor
Thanks for the current number. Each article is a delight.
Yes, Kanakammal almost literally vanished like Meerabai and Andal into
Bhagavan's statue on his Jayanti Day. A few months before that day,
I told her "For our sake, you should live for many more years."
She said "We all come and go, Bhagavan is always here."
What a Master, what devotees.
Balaram Reddygaru told me "Bhagavan is always in Brahman."
The devotees are always in Bhagavan.
In Bhagavan,