Ottawa, Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, Canada
– Krishnan
Dear Devotees,
The program will be as follows:
with some variation from month to month:
22-0522 22-0327 20-0620
We look forward to seeing you at the Satsang.
For additional information please contact KrishnanPlease contact ashrama 'at' arunachala 'dot' org if you do not receive a reply within a few days. by email,
or call: 613 742-7574
You and your family are invited to celebrate
Sri Ramana Satsang
Sri Ramana Satsang
Sat 28 Dec 2024
11:00am Eastern
11:00am Eastern
The program will be as follows:
Please join us for Sri Ramana Maharshi's virtual satsang
11:00am Eastern on Sat 28 Dec 2024
from Bridgetown, Ottawa & Ogdensburg
with some variation from month to month:
- Welcome - Anil
- Sri Ramana Catvarimsat
- Ulladu Narpadu
- one or more of the following
- Readings
- Bhajans
- Silence
- ārati
22-0522 22-0327 20-0620
join zoom Meeting.ID: 871 9295 4137 Passcode: 427798 In case there is an issue with audio you can join by phone without video.
If you have any questions, please send email * or call Krishnan @ 613 742-7574
In Sri Bhagavan,
For additional information please contact KrishnanPlease contact ashrama 'at' arunachala 'dot' org if you do not receive a reply within a few days. by email,
or call: 613 742-7574