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I Wake From Sleep

Nadhia Sutara [1]

I wake from sleep to sleep again
   the dreamless sleep of sleeplessness;

Rising from this life of sense
   and senselessness,

Emerging into one where Stillness speaks,
   and Silence sponges out the dust of ages.

I speak to tell you what I see,
   and yet no sound emerges.

I speak without my tongue
   in the language of the heart,
   and though no sound is heard,
   you understand:

Heart speaks to heart,
   heart receives heart,

At the pinnacle of our beingness,
   where nothing stands between us
   for we are not apart.

Within your heart you hear me
   singing spring-songs in the Silence
   of the place where you have always been
   and yet so long to be.

Listen to the Stillness
   singing spring-songs endlessly,

And hear me sing my love for you
   and of your love for me.

We wake from sleep to sleep again
   the dreamless sleep of sages;

Rising from the dream-life of our infancy,
   leaving toys and cradles in the nursery,

Emerging into Stillness and accord,
   our separateness dissolving with our cages.

[1] Nadhia Sutara, In Profile March 2022 Saranāgatī eNewsletter