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from: Bob Kasarda 
    to: Sri Arunachala Bookstall <>
date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 8:55 PM
subj: Re: can you please add me to the online list of those searching for
others in my area? Thanks

I am hoping you can provide some guidance.
After many years of practicing various forms of Buddhist meditation, I find
myself in search of something else.
I picked up a book I bought more than 20 years ago - "The Teachings of Sri
Ramana Maharshi."
I have read through much of it, including the practice of asking what it is
that is perceiving thought and then searching for the source of that I.
It seems much of the balance of the book is focused on questions that varies
from that core teaching.
Where else do you suggest I go with reading, practice or contacting others
to pursue this practice and see if it is right for me?
What are readings that would be helpful for me? The free downloads or other
Anyone out there willing to offer some guidance as I begin this process?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Bob Kasarda

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
From: Dennis Hartel 
Date: Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: can you please add me to the online list of those searching for others in my area? Thanks

Dear Bob,

The fact that you began reading the Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
and find some guidance and inspiration in the method of practice
described indicates that this may be the juncture in your life to
focus on this simple and direct method for Self-realization.

Although I am a resident of the Arunachala Ashrama in NYC and Nova
Scotia, Canada, I am writing to you from the other Ashram that I
usually spend part of the year, that is, Sri Ramanasramam, India.

Here at the Ashram of Sri Ramana, I have found a growing number of
seekers turning to the Maharshi's teaching and his continued, guiding
presence carrying them forward. You would be surprised how much
influence that this Sage from South India has in the spiritual
development of thousands of seekers and devotees from countries all
over the world.

Many have taken up his path of practice of Who Am I? and have turned
to him for guidance and inspiration and have been fulfilled. Here in
his Ashram we find that our mind is stilled without our effort and we
are blessed with peace and happiness.

About what books you should now read, I would suggest Talks with Sri
Ramana Maharshi. And to get an idea about how it is to live in his
Ashram read Guru Ramana, by S.S.Cohen, A Sadhu's Reminiscences, by
Sadhu Arunachala and Sri Ramana Reminiscences by G.V.Subbaramayya
Watch the life story of the Maharshi with the DVD The Sage of

But more than this, it is most important to make a sincere daily
effort to apply the teaching as you understand it, with humility,
patience, devotion, perseverance and dedication. If you steadfastly
pursue this path, you will succeed and experience his grace.

You may write to me, or visit our Ashram in Nova Scotia or NY
whenever convenient.

Yours in Sri Ramana,
