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The Archives

Sadhu Arunachala,
Major A.W.Chadwick

 Archival Films
 15:32 and

 Moments RememberedDarling Ramana  

 Sri Ramana Dhyanam
 Victorious Ramana
 A Sadhu's Remiscences
 Surrender - poem
 Silent Power, pp.81, 83, 146, 189, 197
 Sw.Prabudhananda /
 Bhahmajna Ma
 95, 96
 Thelma Been 

 Will You Not Let me go ?


'The Maharshi' citations

Jul/Aug 2020 - "I Came, He Saw, He Conquered!"[1] Nov/Dec 2019 - A Trek to the Summit[1] Sep/Oct 2016 - Sri Ramana & Sri Dakshinamurti Mar/Apr 2014 - poem translated by AwC quoted Jan/Feb 2013 - mentioned in 'Talks with Kunju Swami" Jan/Feb 2013 - 133rd Jayanti [1] Jul/Aug 2013 - his involvement in the installation of Sri Cakra Sep/Oct 2012 - "If Only it were Chadwick", part.8 Jul/Aug 2012 - "If Only it were Chadwick", part.7 May/Jun 2012 - "If Only it were Chadwick", part.6 May/Jun 2012 - "Stages in Realization and Being a Guru" Mar/Apr 2012 - "If Only it were Chadwick", part.5 Jan/Feb 2012 - "If Only it were Chadwick", part.4 Nov/Dec 2011 - "If Only it were Chadwick", part.3 Sep/Oct 2011 - "If Only it were Chadwick", part.2 Jul/Aug 2011 - "If Only it were Chadwick", part.1 May/Jun 2011 - mentioned in Aradhana talk by M.V.Swaminathan May/Jun 2009 - mentioned by K.Natesan Nov/Dec 2008 - his letter to Dilip Kumar Roy Jul/Aug 2008 - in img4 of Cartier-Bresson article Jan/Feb 2006 - mentioned in article about Venkaramanan, 2nd.pres Nov/Dec 2008 - mentioned by An Interview with Annamalai Swami Mar/Apr 2005 - Sri Dakshinamurti and Sri Ramana by Sadhu Arunachala Mar/Apr 2004 - translation of 'Na Karmana' Mar/Apr 2003 - extract from Sadhu's Reminiscences Jan/Feb 2003 - mentions staying in Chadwick's room Jul/Aug 2002 - refers to 1991/mar-apr May/Jun 2000 - AwC's aradhana Reminiscences Nov/Dec 1998 - mentioned in 'Journey of My Heart" Mar/Apr 1998 - article by AwC May/Jun 1997 - attendant Rangaswami mentions AwC asking 4 something Jul/Aug 1996 - NBR mentions AwC being with him May/Jun 1996 - 2 anecdotes by NBR Jan/Feb 1996 - mention by NBR wrt understanding spoken english Nov/Dec 1995 - 'Dreams' by AwC Sep/Oct 1995 - mention by NBR wrt taking Mouna May/Jun 1995 - mentioned by N.Balarama Reddy (NBR) Jul/Aug 1994 - quoted in K.Natesan's obit Sep/Oct 1993 - mentioned in Archival Films series Mar/Apr 1993 - anecdote at Bhagavan's passing Jul/Aug 1992 - mentioned in Archival Films series May/Jun 1992 - mentioned as ex of being permitted to live in SRM Jan/Feb 1992 - mentions un-named article by AwC Mar/Apr 1991 - quote from Sadhu's Reminiscences